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Did You Know That Sand Tiger Shark's Spots Are Like Fingerprints?

Environment DottieBenjamin COMMENTS 02 Mar, 2021

Calling all Diver Citizen Scientists! Are you ready to help with Sand Tiger Shark Research? Interested in learning more about these amazing creatures? How about a PADI Distinctive Specialty written by our very own Dottie Benjamin and taught here at Olympus Dive Center!

Sand Tiger Sharks are a common sight on the wrecks off the coast of North Carolina. Although frequently seen in large numbers, the Sand Tiger Shark is listed as Vulnerable on the IUNC Red List of Threatened Species.

The Spot A Shark USA Photography Diver course teaches divers about the Sand Tiger Sharks and how we as divers can help researchers study these animals by identifying their unique spot patterns on their sides and providing researchers more information on how Sand Tiger Sharks are using coastal habitats throughout their lives.

Ready to Get your Learn On? Sign up for our Spot A Shark USA Photography Diver course TODAY!


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